  Madison Chinese Dance Acadeny

  About Us

Dance Lessons for Chinese dances, ballet, lyrical, Jazz, and Hip-Hop with associated cultural backgrounds.
Dance and Chinese Art/Folk Art Performances/Demonstrations for public and private events.
Chinese Cultural Enrichment Programs for museums, libraries, universities, K-12 schools, companies, and various levels of government agencies. 

Speaking Engagements (Cultural Quotient, CQ, Enhancement) on useful Chinese cultural wisdom such as Chinese way of healthy living, thinking, managing, and investing, and differences between Chinese and Western cultures and philosophies.

以忠孝節義為主題的舞,學生因重演歷史而體會傳統的道德思想;以年節慶典為素材的舞,學生親歷中國的習俗及鄉土民情。學生除了本身受惠於享受習舞的樂趣外,並肩負傳播文化的責任。多年來,我們活躍於各種文化活動中,到過美國財政部,國會圖書館,華盛頓區各大學,蒙郡各中小學,圖書館。也應邀在白宮音樂會, 史密斯松尼恩國家博物館演出,獲得柯林頓總統頒發獎狀。更曾應邀參加在埃及金字塔前舉辦的千禧年世界音樂舞蹈大展。
我們參與文化藝術活動外,更以中國人「老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼」的精神,把中華舞蹈文化帶給老人院及育幼院。希望有更多朋友不論老少, 族裔, 或文化背景, 踴躍參加我們的行列,一起為融匯東西方藝術文化締造更和諧歡樂的社會而努力。

The Madison Chinese Dance Academy was founded as a nonprofit organization in 1987. It is a teaching institution that emphasizes cultural enrichment through the art of Chinese dance and ballet. The Academy holds weekly classes year round for students to learn the traditional and modern Chinese dances, ballet, and Chinese ballet. It further cultivates students' appreciation of Eastern and Western arts and cultures through dance reviews and senior choreography projects.  

In addition to its annual Splendid China dance concert at the Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center, the Academy presents more than twenty dance performances, workshops, and speeches at various occasions yearly. It has been invited to perform across the country at venues including the White House Music Festival, Smithsonian museums, conventions, and in-state and out-of-state universities, Disney Epcot Center. It is one of the few arts groups invited to the World New Millennium Music and Dance Festival held in front of Giza Pyramid, Cairo.  

The Academy welcomes individuals and groups of all racial and cultural backgrounds to join their pursuit of a more civilized, harmonious, and enjoyable world.

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